Proposal of a micro space for a nomad life in Iceland

Enormous population migration and increasing social inequalities are challenging urban societies and calling for new solutions.

This project aimed to create a design of a micro dwelling with polycarbonate sheets as a prototype for 2 persons that meets the requirements of a sustainable and affordable prefab house that can be easily assembled and dismantled and allows flexibility in its layout. This micro house is strongly related to the natural context and respect the local climate conditions.

Due to the large sized window and full height of the rooms, the micro dwelling has a luxurious spaciousness. Designing a series of guest houses that framed the beauty of the surrounding context. The concept is designed for people who got to Iceland to make hikes and sports and that also wants to observe the intense and raw nature, such as the nothern lights, starry sky and mountains while still having confort. Glass surfaces are oriented towards the sun and the small rooms can be heated naturally.

The presence of sliding panels prevent temperature loss. The glass surfaces are equiped with heat-resistant glass and the roof is finished with a white, heat-resistent foil. The house is connected to urban-heating. These installations take up rather little space. Most of the construction is covered in peat, a traditional Icelandic construction technique, mearging seamlessly into the landscape.

The use of metal cladding proposes a series of sail-shaped constructions made of metal and plywood. Reacting to the weather patterns and color of the sky, the cladding sits confortably within the context, and the curved forms emphasize the lateral and vertical views of the landscape.

To create this project we had some conditioning factors to take in acount. The company EXTECH sponsors the design of an innovative micro-house as a prototype hence provides cellular polycarbonate sheets (transparent/translucent) of 500mm width and 40mm thickness.

Polycarbonate is a sustainable product due to its high thermal efficiency. The use of at least 50-70% in the enclosing surface will provide a maximum of light during the day which saves energy and directly translates to a reduction of CO2 emissions.


GIA: 30 m2 on the ground floor + 8m2 for a mezzanine level

maximum total exterior height of the volume: 6.00m

total widht of the floors and roof: 25cm

internal height: Living min 2.50m; Mezzanine: 1.60m (lowest point); doors: 2.10m; Bathroom/storage: 2.20m



Set Design 2024


Edifício Princesa Isabel 2024